Expert Witness Referrals

Help Defend Asylum

CGRS relies on the generous support of people like you to sustain our advocacy defending the human rights of refugees. Make a gift today!


Where can I find expert referrals?

Please visit our Expert Witness Database for referrals for country conditions and health experts. You must be signed into your CGRS account to access the database. Please note that CGRS provides expert contact information to enable attorneys to find potential experts, but appearing in our database does not imply endorsement of an expert. CGRS does not guarantee any expert’s work product. Database users must conduct their own research and vetting when deciding whether to engage an expert on their asylum case. While we vet all experts for basic minimum requirements prior to inclusion in our database, we are generally not in a position to vouch for individual experts. Attorneys must research and appropriately vet experts to ensure they are an appropriate fit for their case. Additionally, we cannot mediate disputes between attorneys and experts.

I am interested in being included in the Expert Witness Database. How can I express my interest?

If you are interested in being listed in the Expert Witness Database, please submit your information for consideration here.